What’s the Deal with DNS Exercises?

Experience a Free DNS Flow Class with DNS Exercise Trainer Maggie Rintala

What’s the Deal with DNS Exercises? Sign up for this free DNS Flow class to learn how training early movement patterns can increase efficiency and help you heal:


Is sitting all day wreaking havoc on your body?

Are you injuring yourself in your workouts?

Are the Zoom meetings changing your posture?

Do you feel new pain doing things you use to love?

Maybe you feel at a loss at how to keep moving?


Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) Exercises are a foundational skillset to support more efficient training and everyday movement.

DNS exercises allow you to tap into the innate wisdom of the body to become more efficient, stronger, more fluid, and heal faulty movement patterns.


Reinforce the original movement patterns that humans follow during the first year of life.





  • Become aware of your current alignment and movement patterns 

  • Regulate your nervous system with breath and movement

  • Learn from a DNS Exercise Trainer why moving like a baby could help you heal

  • Test your ability to stabilize from the core

Meet Maggie:

I began my working life as a professional dancer. Being active came naturally to me for a long time and led me to my work as a personal trainer.

After my second child I developed chronic pain and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. The years of living with pain, disease and depression gave me a deep understanding of how to be fit for my life and I now coach people to start where they are so they can move where they choose to go.

You can live a life of purpose in a body you love. Make a choice to become fit for who you are and what you do.